About SIMTIT Engineering
Our expertise and numerous scientific researches contributed to improving the quality of our work, allowing us to offer consulting services for materials engineering and to test and analyse different geopolymers and metallic alloys.
Research and Testing
We offer testing and analysing services for various types of geopolymers and metallic biomaterials.
You can count on our expertise to ensure that you chose the best type of material or alloy for your product.
Obtaining products from geopolymers and biocompatible alloys
Bricks, 3D printed products, water filters, thermal shields, active coatings.
Mandibular reconstruction plates, mini osteosynthesis plates, or microplates in shapes are some examples of biocompatible metal alloys applications.
our projects
We have managed to develop specific research activities with successfull results in the field of geopolymers and biomaterials
41 Prof.dr.doc. D. Mangeron street, Iași, 700050
+40 748 384 330
+40 744 793 984
fax: +40232230009